Saturday 20 May 2017

Dissociation Disorder Dis-identifying with our mind makes it easier to go further inward to the source of thinking itself

Dissociation Disorder Dis-identifying with our mind makes it easier to go further inward to the source of thinking itself: emotions. Subconscious programs are fuelled by our emotions, so addressing them from the emotional level is the key to canceling them.

The reason that these dysfunctional programs are running in our consciousness, despite our desire to be free of them, is because they offer us a hidden payoff. They create the illusion that we are getting something beneficial from them, a ‘payback’ if you will. This may not be apparent at first, as one might think, “How is there a payoff from being angry?”

The ‘payoff’ is the emotional reaction; the feeling that moves through us. There is a part of us that finds a temporary pleasure, or satisfaction, in the feeling of anger, guilt, pride, etc. The part of us which feeds off of this juice is commonly called the ego.

The ego easily becomes addicted to the emotional payoff of negative emotions, and in turn feeds off of the juice. Since the payback is only a temporary satisfaction, the ego must seek more of it, thus perpetuating an endless feedback loop. With each infusion of ‘payback’ into the loop, the addiction becomes stronger and thus harder to break free of.

With this realisation, it becomes clear that in order to undo negative programming from childhood, we must let go of the temporary payoff gained from negative thoughts and emotions. When this payoff is continually let go of, the unconscious program loses its power and influence. The payback becomes less and less interesting to us.

The next time a negative thought or emotion arises, ask yourself, “What is the payback I’m getting from this?” and “Is it worth the price?” If the payback is found to make you feel anything other than peace and tranquility, it is a sign that it needs to be let go of.

In this light, there is no need to fight or suppress anything, even fear and hatred itself. In fact, we can begin to let these emotions just be as they are and run themselves out. We no longer need to be afraid of emotions because we are no longer controlled by the temporary ‘pleasure’ of them.

With this practice of continually surrendering the payoff of the negative emotions, a peaceful state naturally emerges. Peace is what prevails when all of our negative programs have been let go of. In this sense, it can be seen that Peace is actually a choice. When we choose Peace instead of the payback of our ego, our emotional dependence on negativity diminishes. When done continually, this Peace stabilises and becomes our natural state, undisturbed by the passing temptations of negativity.

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