Thursday 7 December 2017

Dissociation of the child within? The child within of most people we know, gets stuck in a state of suspended animation

Dissociation of the child within? The child within of most of us, gets stuck in a state of suspended animation forever, such that most of us perish inwardly before we even reach adulthood. Our emotional dissociation overcome us and snuff out our spirit. Our family systems convert our minds into continued dissociation. We lose our creativity and intuition, we block out emotional reality of our childhoods, and we become consuming automatons. We survive in order to live for dissociated comfort, happiness, and emotional camouflage. We become the society norm.

Our child within death rate the world over is high. Yet the people of that who take the statistics and rule the governments and make the children and devote their careers to “educating” them are by and large dead themselves, and part of their deadness involves ignoring this. They lack connection to their own inner psychic nutrients and instead get them from feeding, like vultures, on the energy of the vulnerable ones who are still alive. And because this is so normal no one bats an eye. It is indefensible, yet families and society are structured to defend it. And the easiest way to defend it is to say that it’s not even happening.

It is a painful thing to wake up fighting for our child within. It breaks rules. It angers the norm. It enrages parents. It puts a target on our back. And it hurts. It hurts like hell. It hurts to rip down the psychic prison wall and feel the old traumas and disrespect, the old longings, the old memories. It hurts to grieve, to feel the rage, to confront our perpetrators who haunt our memories, to break the denial of a normalised? society. It hurts to shed the mask of comfort and walk into our dissociated despair. It hurts to reject the fantasy of one day being loved by those who never really loved you and instead drank and regurgitate our psychic blood. It hurts to leave the family system behind. It hurts to stand on our own.

Yet this process of waking up, and this alone, is the pathway back to intuitive life to a long, healthy inherited life of liberty. This is healthiness for our child within.

Bad stuff can happen to us at any age, but it is the early life stuff resulting primarily from the familial actions that dissociate us the most.

Bad stuff can happen to us at any age, but it is the early life stuff resulting primarily from the familial actions that dissociate us the most. At this stage of our development we are the most malleable. We experience later events through the lenses of these earlier traumas, such that the earlier ones provide magnification and distortion. Early life traumas often set the stage for the later ones to happen, such that people not infrequently unconsciously replicate earlier traumatic situations and relationships. You would think that this would give us more incentive to hold our families, educators accountable, yet often we do the opposite. We find comfort in blaming our life’s woes solely on later relationship traumas, as if they happened outside of our historic family context. This can allow us to still feel some of the pain and rage and sorrow of having been traumatised yet simultaneously maintain a close relationship with our abusive families. We place the blame outside our family unit and in so doing protect our troubled family system, never having to heal their root traumas, and never have to face that reality of our painful truth.